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Vaya con Dios


   Vaya con Dios   » Eurovision, rules Русский  

Eurovision Song Contest

     Rules of other years  

    Eurovision Song Contest 2003 - Rules. Part 7



    1.    The song which obtains the highest number of  points is awarded


    2.    Should there be a tie for first place, the Grand Prix shall be awarded to the song that has obtained points from the highest number of countries. If the songs received votes from the same number of countries, then the highest number of 12-point scores shall qualify. If the winner cannot be determined by this procedure, then the number of times ten points have been awarded shall be the deciding factor; if necessary, this method shall continue until account has been taken of the number of times one point has been awarded.

    3.    Should two or more songs still tie for first place, even after the above calculation, both/all such songs shall share the Eurovision Grand Prix.

    4.    The final result shall be announced immediately, and the transmission of the Contest Final shall end with a further performance of the winning song (or songs).

    5.    The participant which presented the winning song shall produce the Contest Final in 2004. Should there be a tie, the organizations concerned shall agree among themselves, in consultation with the Reference Group and the Television Committee, on the producer of the next Contest Final. If no agreement is possible, other countries shall be consulted, after which the Reference Group shall make a recommendation to the Television Committee, which shall make the final decision.

    6.    Trophy(ies) shall be presented to the composer(s) and the songwriter(s) who wrote the winning song(s), and to the performing artists.


    1.    All participants (other than the producing organization) shall pay a participation fee to the Permanent Services, as a contribution to the producing organization’s production costs, as well as to the EBU coordination costs, fixed by the Reference Group and approved by the Television Committee. In the event of a participant having to withdraw, these fees may be revised. The producing organization shall charge participants direct CHF 1,200 for each commentary position required.

    2.    Participants which have not paid their participation fee for the previous Contest Final may be excluded from the 2003 Contest Final, following a recommendation from the Reference Group approved by the Television Committee.

    3.    Members which were not admitted in 2003 but which have announced their desire to participate in 2004 must broadcast the 2003 Contest Final and are therefore obliged to pay a broadcast fee corresponding to 50% of what their fee would have been had they participated in the 2003 Contest Final. This fee will be remitted to the producing organization.

    4.    Any other television organization which is granted the express authorization to broadcast the Contest Final shall pay the EBU an agreed broadcast fee, which shall be forwarded to the producing organization.

    5.    All expenses incurred in organizing and broadcasting the Contest Final, over and above the total participation fees and broadcast fees, shall be borne by the producing organization, with the exception of:

    (a)    All expenses incurred by each participant relating to its own participation (such as fees and travel and subsistence costs for the artist or artists, commentator, jurors, official representatives, etc.). Such expenses shall be the full responsibility of each respective participant and cannot be refunded.

    (b)    The cost of relaying the Contest Final over the Eurovision network (together with the corresponding expenses incurred by the Permanent Services). Such costs shall be shared in accordance with existing cost-sharing rules.

    6.    Each participant shall bear its own costs related to the national contest.

    7.    The cost of the international website shall be included in the producing organization’s production costs. Feeds for streaming on the site should also be freely available to participants. The costs of streaming video on the international website may be met by sponsorship if this can be arranged by the producing organization in a way compatible with any participants’ constraints on advertising, and subject to approval of the Reference Group. The cost of arrangements requested by participants for special services required for digital broadcasting, etc. should be met on a “user pay” basis.

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   The official materials (SPG 02-12058) from European Broadcasting Union / Union Europeenne de Radio-Television had been used at creation of this part of the site
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