Eurovision Song Contest
Eurovision Song Contest 2004 - Rules. Part 1
1. The Eurovision Song Contest is a state-of-the-art, world-class television production of a competition between musical acts representing countries of the Members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). The Contest Final includes a Qualifying Round and a Grand Final.
2. The Grand Final shall take place on Saturday, 15 May 2004 from 21.00 CET to approximately 24.00 CET, and shall be transmitted live to Participating Broadcasters over the Eurovision satellite network.
3. EBU Members from a total of 24 countries shall compete in the Grand Final. There shall be 14 guaranteed places in the Grand Final, i.e. for the Host Broadcaster, EBU Members from France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Germany, and EBU Members from the nine highest-scoring countries from the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest (not including any of the foregoing Members). Should any Member from the abovementioned nine decide not to participate in the 2004 Contest Final, its place shall be offered to the Member in the next ranked country.
4. All other Participating Broadcasters, up to a maximum of 26 countries, on a first come first served basis, shall participate in the Qualifying Round for a place in the Grand Final. The ten countries with the highest scores in the Qualifying Round shall participate in the Grand Final.
5. The Qualifying Round shall take place on Wednesday, 12 May 2004, and shall be transmitted live to ESC Participating Broadcasters over the Eurovision satellite network.
6. The format of the Qualifying Round and the Grand Final shall consist chiefly of successive presentations by the artist(s) of their national songs.
7. The winner of the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest is invited to host the 2004 Contest Final, subject to agreement with the Host Broadcaster rules, including the presentation of a financial guarantee. Should that winner not accept or abide by any of tho se rules, the option to host the Contest Final shall pass to another EBU Member, subject to its acceptance of the Host Broadcaster rules.
8. The Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group shall liaise direct with the EBU to guide and approve the major elements of the concept, development and preparation of the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.
9. All EBU Members intending to participate in the 2004 Contest Final must confirm their participation by 1 October 2003, to the EBU using the official form provided with the rules. On the basis of the confirmations received, the preliminary participation fees shall be made known to the Participating Broadcasters by October 15th 2003..
10. After notifying its confirmation, but before 1 December 2003, a Participating Broadcaster may withdraw without incurring any financial penalty. However, in case of withdrawal after that date the broadcaster concerned shall be liable for 100 % of the quoted participation fee.
11. If after 1 December 2003 a Participating Broadcaster is disqualified for non-compliance with these Rules (see Section XI), it shall remain liable for 100 % of the quoted participation fee.
12. In any of the above-mentioned circumstances, the EBU remains free to decide whether or not to replace the broadcaster which is disqualified or has withdrawn by another EBU Member if this is still compatible with the schedule for preparing the Contest Final.
13. The EBU is the sole rightsholder of the Eurovision Song Contest. Those rights shall be marketed in conjunction with the exclusive marketing agent appointed by the EBU, TEAM Marketing AG (TEAM). The Host Broadcaster and the Participating Broadcasters shall cooperate with the EBU in relation to the designated marketing programme, approved by the Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group.
1. The cost of financing the production and staging of the Eurovision Song Contest shall be shared by the Host Broadcaster and the Participating Broadcasters.
2. Within a a pre-established budgetary frame, the final budget shall be proposed by the Host Broadcaster, in consultation with the EBU Executive Supervisor, and approved by the Reference Group by 1 October 2003.
3. The contribution of the Participating Broadcasters to the Contest Final shall be 50 % of the overall budget.
4. All Participating Broadcasters shall be liable to pay their contributions to the EBU 30 days before the Contest Final. Failure to pay in due time may result in a broadcaster being disqualified and/or access to the live satellite transmission being denied.
5. The Host Broadcaster shall pay the totality of the remaining budget of the production of the 2004 Contest Final.
6. All expenses incurred by each Participating Broadcaster in relation to its own entry, such as fees, travel, and subsistence costs for the delegation, shall be the full responsibility of that Participating Broadcaster.