Sight of the russian philistine on Eurovision Song Contest 2003 through the TV's screen.
Impressions from competition, and also gamble and insinuations on a popular theme.
Have met somehow Brezhnev, Reigan and Tatcher
Also began to argue, whose country is better.
- The USA it is better, because we have democracy and
to each our citizen are given equal
opportunities - speaks Reigan
- No, the Great Britain is better - Tatcher speaks - at us is
Centuries-old traditions and symbol of unity of our nation - our queen.
- Russia is better - laconically speaks Brezhnev.
- Than it is better? - are surprised Reigan and Tatcher.
- Than others - answers Brezhnev.
Bearded joke.
This article which is resulted below, any image does not apply for the professional critique. More precisely speaking, I do not apply for a role musical criticism. First, I do not have music education (well, except for lessons of music at school during which I have understood, that playing music is playing music, I am I and together to us somehow not on a way), in the second, with ear for music at me too not very good, and, thirdly, I at heart not the critic - I at heart le cadavre ;-). Nevertheless, I like to listen good music and this article is written from a position of the listener and the philistine (well, and from a position le cadavre, certainly;-). Besides I so had not like discussion of this Contest on the First Rusian TV Channel, that wanted to express
itself. As far as I understand, it is supposed, that the audience in studio in Moscow expressed opinion of all Russia, and as it not so (I am guided by my own opinion), so, I express the my special opinion. And a theme popular, and attendance of a web-site should be lifted …;-) It is natural, I did not go personally to look Eurovision Song Contest 2003, but in fact and the majority of people, by results of which voting the winner was defined (Sertab Erener), looked it the same as also I - on the TV. My country has not given chance to me to express my opinion at voting -, well, I state it so. By the way, in the second part of article - gamble and insinuations - I have expressed already concerning our (Russian) participation in the Eurovision.
From the very beginning of translation (Latvian, instead of Russian) all very much was pleasant to me. By the way, phrases very much it was pleasant to me or it was pleasant to me will frequently meet further in the text very much. Also judge on frequency of occurrence of these phrases quality of Contest show. So, conditions in a hall was very beautiful, the same I can tell about illumination (in it, as against music, I understand - I am the web-designer, I guess, after all ;-). It is possible to be glad only, that the Latvian representatives have chosen a song about Mars, and organizers of competition have decided to issue a stage thus. The star sky on a ceiling looked superb. However, at Latvians good taste in all always was. By the way, the introductory animated cartoon too has very
much liked me.
Masters of ceremonies of Contest too have liked to me. Cheerful (though it not only their merit, but also a script-writer, I believe), with taste dressed. But it seemed to me, that they were little bit unnatural, is especial in the beginning. I think, that there is more than relaxedness to him would not be bad. And the clip about the Riga could be made more longly. Riga really beautiful city, especially old part of Riga - Wets-Riga. In this part are located shown in clip Doms the Cathedral (Rigas Doms) and buildings three brothers (XVII or XVIII century if I correctly remember). By the way, Riga is also very clean city (as to the inhabitant of dirty Moscow, it in general seems to me a fantastic), in it is a lot of greens, lawns, flowers. To Moscow, alas,
even to compare it is impossible. Yes, it is possible to speak about Riga very much, but it already will be other history … So I proceed to performances of participants of Eurovision Song Contest 2003.
1. Iceland and Birgitta Haukdal - Open Your Heart. Actually, since first seconds of performance of beauty Birgitta. I was defined in the my predilections, and all stayed time of competition I wished a victory only to her. Beautiful music, excellent vocal, a beautiful suit in ABBA style … The voice, by the way, of the singer too very pleasant. More shortly, performance of Birgitta was pleasant to me most of all. In my opinion, she in general was the most beautiful girl at this Contest. I did not know, that in Iceland there are such beauties ;-). I think, that 9-th place for Iceland is unfairly. Birgitta has deserved,
at least, 2-nd or 3-rd place, if not the first. And competition of the Eurovision, in my opinion, if only has won, if passed in the country where there are such beautiful and talented girls ;-). But spectators have solved time differently … Фэ се ке дуа адвиенн се ки пурра, значить…1, But it is a pity, nevertheless. By the way, official web-site of Birgitta Haukdal (is more exact, her group, Irafar) is here:
2. Austria and Alf Pojer - Weil der Mensch zählt. The very original singer, of course. But to me has not so liked. And suits at the Austrians were not so … good. In general, by my opinion, Alf Pojer was looked a little bit strange on this stage . Official web-site of Alf Pojer you may find here: Nervous people I ask to not look at it ;-)
3. Ireland and Mickey Joe Hаrte - Weve Got The World.. It was pleasant to me. Both music, and performance good. The cheerful guy. Well, but this is the Irish, isn't this ? Most of them are cheerful. And happy. Speak, it due to of local clover. It there especial in Ireland ;-) And girls on stage was beautiful, too ;-) (but if say truth, up to Birgitta, certainly, they do not hold out ;-). For official web-site of Mickey Harte search to this address:
4. Turkey and Sertab Erener - Every Way That I Can. It was very good. Incendiary music, very emotional performance, and Sertab have a very strong voice, perfectly approaches to this song. The choreography at girls from Turkey was good, too. But whether there were they really best of all? I do not know... However, I have already told about the my personal choice. But, I repeat, at Turkey the most emotional performance was doubtless. May be, for this reason Sertab became the winner? In my opinion, she was only one of the best (and these best singers, generally speaking, was very much). I personally would give her the second place (If the first to give Iceland, and
the third - Belgium). However, she is excellent singer all the same. web-site of Sertab Erener is here:
5. Malta and Lynn Chircop - To Dream Again. Excellent music, a voice at the singer too very beautiful. With pleasure listened to performance. But the song, strictly speaking, was allocated with nothing among others. Simply beautifully, but in fact the victory needs not simply, but something especial, is not that so? Well, but despite everything, Lynn - the good singer. It seems that Malta is in luck with such singer. Official web-site of Lynn Chircop you may find here:
6. Bosnia - Herzegovina and Mija Martina - Ne Brini (Dont Worry). That is also emotional enough performance, but with the Turkish singer, certainly, to not be compare (in my opinion). How to be spoken, a pipe is lower, and smoke more weak. It is obvious. However, in fact Mija Martina only to study at musical school. May be, when she have will close study, she will become not worse than Sertab Erener ? On my opinion, 16 place for Bosnia - Herzegovina quite corresponds to this performance. Official web-site of Mija Martina you may find here:
7. Portugal and Rita Guerra - Deixa-me Sonhar. Not bad. A beautiful music, a beautiful voice. But, in my opinion, a song too quiet, whether that. I personally love more vigorous music. And on a background of other performances it was looked a little drowsily. But, in any case, Portugal was represented by the good singer though she and has occupied only 22-th place. And illumination on a stage seemed to me a little sombre.
8. Croatia and Claudia Beni - Vie nisam tvoja. Well, what may I tell about she? Quite good music, a strong voice at the singer. But sometimes music muffled this voice ;-) Good performance, but not the best. And a choreography not most oustanding. But girls in Croatia are beautiful... Се ля мэнсюр ле кер но же ву ле ди2 ;-) Claudia Benis official web-site you may find here:
9. Cyprus and Stelios Constantas - Feeling Alive. Illumination at Cypriotes has been picked perfectly up. Light of dark blue -light blue shades on a background of white suits … It is nice. It is perfectly looked. My congratulations to the master of light. The song beautiful too and also is well executed. It was pleasant to me. By the way, the commentator at Cypriotes was amusing...
10. Germany and Lou - Lets Get Happy. Know, who to me was reminded by this singer? Certainly, Anna Veski! Yes they also are externally a little similar. Only the accent at Lou is a little different ;-) Good performance, and a song very cheerful. Different color of suits at executors - unusual, and in my opinion, the interesting decision. No doubt, Lou deserves to ascend to the big stage. Frankly I wish her success. But, it is a pity beer festivals . In fact those who comes on them , too have the right to listen to good music ;-). But, may be, Lou sometimes (in breaks between world tours) will act all the same at these festivals? Then for fans
of beer not yet all is lost ;-). Official web-site of Lou you may find here: (by the way, very nice web-site. I recommend to visit it! )
11. Russia and Tatu - Ne veri, Ne boisi (Dont trust, Dont be afraid). Well, it is time to recollect, that in soul I is le cadavre. Sadly, girls, sadly. Put at all that we have not won - devil with victory, but over that impression which remained at me (and at Europeans, I believe) from Tatus performance. The first - I say about light. No, for usual performance in stadium or on a concert platform similar illumination would be just right, but for SUCH stage … Frank primitive. Imitation of the star sky on ceiling precisely should not be turn off. However, if all over again Tatu planned (more precisely, for them planned) to act in prison uniforms … for such
suits this illumination would correspond. It would not become better, but more suitably - yes. If suits had been changed - that and needed to be changed light. Now about them - about suits. In comparison with other participants, they were looked simply faintly. Can because of they be pale suits, bad illumination - girls from Tatu had catcalled right at the beginning of performance (unique from acted, by the way)? Music, in my opinion, too was much more pale, than at the majority of other participants. Sometimes, Tatu did not sing, but simply shouted. More shortly, performance of ours was not pleasant to me. No, at all it was not pleasant. Fairly. Speaking words of comrade O.Bender - “ It is not Rio de Janeiro. It is much worse ”. Primitive. In my opinion, we (Russia) in any way have not deserved 3-rd place. 21-st as at Ruffus from Estonia is already closer to true. Yes, and figure 1 on vests is already simply impudence.
I understand, the impudence is not defect, but only small lack, is especial in show business, but it is necessary to have feeling of a measure also! Official web-site of Tatu you may find here:
12. Spain and Beth - Dime. There is in my opinion that in the Spanish language is any special charm. And girls from Spain were beautiful ;-) Not beautiful as Birgitta, but all the same … However, I always liked sunburnt girls ;-) Well and if it is serious, good performance, it was pleasant to me. Only suits at Spanish girls were palish (I about a coloring …) And in general, cheerfully, beautifully and incendiary. And this outre dress very much be right to Beth… ;-) Additional information about Beth you may find here:
13. Israel and Lior Narkis - Many Words For Love. Not bad, but, in my opinion, not a masterpiece. Cypriotes, for example, have more liked tome. But girls in Israel will be more beautiful, than on Cyprus ;-) On the other hand, to Cyprus in fact inhabitants of the USSR have not emigrated… Official web-site of Lior Narkis (English-language part of a web-site) is here:
14. Netherlands and Esther Hart - One More Night. Good, cheerfully and soundly. A beautiful voice at the singer and beautiful, fervent music. Illumination was very quite good too. And the singer - very beautiful girl ;-) it was pleasant to me. The fan - web-site of admirers Ester Hart is located here: Beautifully, but in the Netherlands language. It is a pity. And why I not the polyglot? Probably, because I am terribly lazy...;-)
15. The Great Britain and Jemini - Cry Baby. In my opinion, not the most bad performance. The song, the truth, is executed a little bit palely. It seems to me, that voices of singers not so approach to this music. Illumination at them was successful. I think, that last place, in addition WITHOUT ANY POINTS AT ALL Jemini had not deserved. To tell the truth, I, perhaps, would not began to buy their CDs, but all the same … Yes, someone should be the last, but that is why they? I do not understand. I absolutely do not understand. Official web-site of Jemini band you may find here:
16. Ukraine and Olexander Ponomarev - Hasta la Vista. This peformance of Olexander was not pleasant to me. I can not tell, why. Light was quite good, and music not the most bad. Olexander, the truth, from time to time shouted more likely, than sang … He is one more executor which CDs I would not began to buy. But, nevertheless, I think, that for first time Ukraine has exposed the quite good representative. At least, performance of Olexander Ponomarev was pleasant to me more, than performance of Alf Pojer. So. Additional information about Olexander Ponomarev ypu may find here (unofficial fun-web-site):
17. Greece and Mando - Never Let You Go. One more singer with a strong voice. Performance was good, but especial in it is not present anything. (No, at Mando, certainly, the dress was very nice . Here Ilya Lagutenko was right to all hundred percent - the decollete was very impressive, if say truth ;-). And light at Greeks was beautiful . In Greece really all are, including, and beautiful singers there are in Greece too ;-). In my opinion, they could get a place is higher, than 17-th. The official web-site of female singer Mando is here:
18. Norway and Jostein Hasselgard - Im Not Afraid to Move On. Luke Skywalker has handed over a laser sword in a museum, has replaced a surname and has engaged something to quieter, than rescue of a far - far galaxy. A joke, certainly, but I had such associations ;-). Again not the most bad performance, but also not the best. Boring any. More precisely, such music not in my taste. Of course, Norwegian scald put up a good show. But also did not become Elton John yet …
19. France and Louisa Boileche - Monts et Merveilles. Lovely, but, the same as and at the Norwegian, a little bit dullishly, in my opinion. The singer, we shall directly tell, not Mirey Matie and not Milen Farmer, but sing beautifully. Light at the French has been beautifully made. In my opinion, the place of France is valid near to Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, but all their places should be closer to the middle.
20. Poland and Ich Troje (Their three) - Bez Granic (Without Borders). In my opinion, such voice at the singer would approach more to rock-singer, than to pop-singer. But in general, not bad. By the way, performance at once in two languages is interestingly. Not the best performance, but among the others it was special. Though 7-th place is, in my opinion, too big to them. I would give 10-th or 11-th. Official web-site of Ich Troje band you may find here: On Polish and German languages.
21. Latvia and F.L.Y. - Hello from Mars Beautifully, but back not a masterpiece. Music, however, quite good, also participants well singing. But, taking into account, that the stage has been made out under their song, I expected from F.L.Y. something unusual. But performance appeared the most usual. It is a pity. But as a whole - the group has turned out quite good. May be, it will good, if they will work together further? Additional information about F.L.Y. you may find here:
22. Belgium and Urban Trad - Sanomi. It was very interesting to me, who represents Belgium. And so, Urban Trad. Music and performance was very beautiful. But, in my opinion, it needs something more emotional for the Eurovision. In any case, they sing perfectly. I think, spectators only have won that Urban Trad acted with then, with that they acted ;-). I with pleasure would buy their CDs. Such music unequivocally from a must have series. For it also it is necessary both to carry out, and to look Eurovision Song Contest - to find for itself the groups similar Urban Trad. Official web-site of Urban Trad
band you may find here:
23. Estonia and Ruffusm - Eighties Coming Back. Well - at … Again not the Rio de Janeiro. Not in my taste. Both music so-so, and performance was same. The performance of Ruffus at all was not pleasant to me. At all I do not regret, that this last performance of this group. Estonia could expose something more worthy. Additional information about Ruffus band you may find here:
24. Romania and Nicola - Don't Break my Heart. Not bad. Very not bad. And accent at the singer unusual. The choreography, the truth, has not so liked me. And singing - very much even good. But, besides, not the best. All the same, I would put Romania much below Iceland, but too somewhere in area of 10-th ... 13-th places. Additional information about Nicola you may find here:
25. Sweden and Fame - Give me your Love. Beautifully. Well. And the same as performance of Birgitta, casts memoirs about group ABBA. That, however, and not surprisingly - Swedes in fact. Yes, undoubtedly, strong collective. Has liked to me. 5-th place - is quite fair. Though, I liked Fame more, than their neighbour - the Norwegian. So Europeans could to give them 4-th.
26. Slovenia and Karmen - Nanana. Nice. Not better the majority of other participants, but also it is not worse. Music quite good. Only light, in my opinion, was not so combined with color of suits. And in general, girls beautiful were ;-). Yes even at calculation of voices the representative of Slovenia has broken away really good joke. I respect. It is a pity only, that at the following competitions of it to repeat to fail is already there will be not that. Official web-site of Karmen you may find here:
Now I would like to bring a brief result to all aforesaid. In my opinion, Eurovision Song Contest 2003 it has quite gone right. Fine, entertainment show has turned out: a fine stage, excellent performance of songs, beautiful suits, good music, cheerful, affable participants… However, I am already repeated. Personally it was simply pleasant for me to look it. Besides I have opened for myself many new, interesting singers. I think, as other spectators have made the same. In my opinion, if the basic purpose of Contest is rallying the countries of Europe (see a history of creation of competition), Eurovision Song Contest 2003 with an object in view has perfectly consulted. Personally I would like to wish organizers of competition of good luck, and to tell thanks for perfectly done work. I hope, that Eurovision Song Contest will exist still very for a long time,
and every year will please the spectators how has pleased me this (2003) year. Dixi.3
Pictures are taken from materials of a web-site Eurovision
1 - To that to be, that to not pass (French with Russian colour). - the citation from Fairy tales about the Three by the Brothers Strugatsky. to back
2 - I speak you it in all honesty (French with Russian colour) - the citation therefrom. to back
3 - I say (lat.). to back