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Vaya con Dios


   Vaya con Dios » The reviews of Purple Prose’s creativity Русский  

The reviews of creativity of Belgian music band Purple Prose

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   Peter Van Dyck from “Weekend Knack”: “sometimes make a step back can to have healing effect. In two years after "death" of Vaya con Dios music band, Dani Klein again can take pleasure in creation of music. With the friends from Brussels she has chosen simplicity of the chanson propickled in a blues”

Review by Dirk Houbrechts - the founder of site Belgium Pop&Rock Archive about CD 13 songs by Purple Prose

   Purple Prose.13 Songs by Purple ProseAlbum 13 song's by Purple Prose was on sale with a small label on a case: “Purple Prose, in leaging role Dani Klein from Vaya con Dios”. Certainly, it not the latest distinctive feature - to have in group as the vocalist one of the most successful Belgian singers (not speaking about Soeur Sourire, certainly). However, a back side of this medal is that almost in all interviews and reviews three quarters of space are filled with the analysis of the end of group Vaya con Dios, reflections about possible revival Vaya con Dios, comparison of quality of the offered songs with Vaya con Dios songs, and other, other... Thus, in an amicable way, the promo-company of this album will lead to to the greater increase in sales album The Best of Vaya Con Dios, than to sales of copies of the given album. Not that the writing down company could think that such distress to come to the end: Dani Klein has managed to sell here the amateur project of the former writing down company.

   Thus, Purple Prose - some kind like a “friends - musicians - have gathered together”, but a level of creation of music - very high level: voice Dani Klein - still in the excellent form, lips accordion Werner Braito gives relief definition and acknowledgement of it, without hit in a trap of a musical diarrhea, members “Machiavel” Thierry Plas and Marc Ysaye have undergone brain surgery before joining group.

   However, I have dark-brown suspicion, that to this album to not become the leader of sales. On it there are songs in four various languages that enables to feel like a touched for their soul the most part of a world's population. But, though quality of work there is present, there are few songs which can really grasp you. In spite of the fact that it is a debut, sounding of group too frequently reminds template play. Only the opening single Dirty Gold and frightening Who Wants To Be Lonely has made on me the big impression. The others - a quiet chanson-blues has not impressed .

At creation of this site materials from Belgian Pop&Rock Archive have been used

P.s. If any reviews have not liked you - that have in view of, that the opinion of the translator not always coincides with opinion of authors of reviews.In the sense that matirials are given to you As Is, and for the spoiled mood I do not carry the responsibility. May be, I itself from such reviews in a shock...

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